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Coffee Break Memories

By Shadow 7

My First Coffee Break:

     The first coffee break I ever went to was set up by Stoney of R&S Communications in Little Falls. It was at the Anthony Wayne on Route 46 West next to Motor Vehicles. I don’t remember everyone who went but I do remember Mars Base, Kingsey and Wheel Horse were there. On the way over on Route 46 West about 200 feet from the place, Wheel Horse wouldn’t let Kingsey over into the next lane, cut Kingsey off and hit Kingsey’s new red Volkswagon bug. They both stopped in the parking lot of the Anthony Wayne and had an argument where Wheel Horse was telling Kingsey that it wasn’t his fault. The argument grew to a point where Kingsey almost got physical with Wheel Horse. Wheel Horse backed down and then admitted his wrong doing. He didn’t want any part of Kingsey. Wheel Horse had to pay for the damages. We all went inside to join the others, had something to eat and spoke for a while. An hour later the guys went out to the parking lot. They were discussing if linears could be used with beams that had hollow elements. Mars Base said that the elements had to be solid. The whole discussion ended where linears could be used on solid element antennas only. Of course we all know that isn’t true.



Friendly's in Bloomfield:

    Mustang (Jon D.) set this coffe break. He brought his Comstat 25B and used it as a PA system. It was a real good break. I met a lot of local CB'ers there. Mustang made some money by hosting this break.



Friendly's in Passaic:

    Whoever set this coffee break up told me to bring my drums and stereo. I brought them along with my tape recorder. I started playing the drums to Black Sabbath’s first album as I had it memorized. After a few songs the manager of Friendly’s came out and said the next door neighbor called and that the music was too loud. I turned it down a little and started playing again but he came out again to complain. We had to pack it up.




    Many fellow CB'ers went to this coffee break as it had a very good turn out. I believe it was Al Bessenger (Bandit) who took a bunch of us up there. It was like a hamfest where you could buy or sell. There were a few bands up on stage, rock and Roll and country. When the rock band started playing there was one guy in the audience that didn’t like rock and expected everyone else to agree with him so he stood up and kept telling the guitarist “Turn it up”, sarcastically. The guitarist kept his cool and said back to him “I broke it already”, meaning the volume control. Everyone laughed. Betty Hayhurst (Half Pint from Belleville) and her boyfriend (from NY) drove there on their own. I remember her boyfriend was selling and showed me a big ham transmitter that he had in his trunk.




        One coffee break that I went back in the late 60’s was at The Trading Post in Denville on Rt. 46 East. There were a lot of people there. The Trading Post looked like it was done up from Indian lure, culture, artifacts, cowboy appeal, etc. There was a statue of an Indian against the wall complete in an Indian costume with his arms folded. It was really done up nice. This statue was a good addition to the interior decorations. About an hour later, I thought I saw it move. I kept starring at it. There was no reason why it should move. Did someone throw something at it? I told my friend to keep his eye on it to see if it moves again. About an hour later, it moved again. Was this someone dressed up as an Indian? I kept watching it for a while. After 20 minutes, I decided to walk past and get a better look. As I did, he looked at me for a second but then looked straight ahead again. It was a guy dressed up. Wow! Why? I didn’t know anyone there to ask about him so throughout the break I just kept watching this guy stand there. He blended in well but looked so strange at a coffee break. About an hour later, someone went up to him and asked him something. If he knew him, he would answer. If he didn’t know the person, he wouldn’t budge. This made me wonder even more. Was he security? What was his purpose? After 3 hours, I got to talking with someone. I finally asked “Who is that”? That person told me “Oh, that’s “The Rambling Redskin. He always does that”. After the break and people were clearing out, he continued standing there. He waited until the whole place was empty before he’d leave. From what I remember, he was on the radio but I spoke to him.

        There was another break that I went to after that one. There was an announcer on the PA talking about 50-50’s, coffee & cake, and what they have for a grand prize. Then he started speaking about the next coffee break, where it will be, what time, etc, and then I heard “………and that Rambling Redskin will be there”. I wondered why he said that. What is it with this guy? Why was this so important? All he does is stand there. To this day, I don’t know what this guy was all about or why. Was this his way of attracting attention? If so, it worked good! Maybe that was his way of getting known? If any of you know anything about him, please let me know.


Shadow 7.

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