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Emergency Communications Association
M.E.C.A. (Mobile
Emergency Communications Association) was set up by John Gruen (KQD-5594) of
Cedar Grove, NJ back around 1965. This was an organization set up for mobiles
who needed emergency assistance. Not only was this association ready for
assistance but they also gave a once a year coffee break at the VFW building
in Oakland, NJ. Here people could sell, buy, or trade equipment. There was
food, music, raffles, door prizes, vendors, a guy who made name tags/badges,
and other odds & ends of interest.
Valery's father (John) was president of M.E.C.A. - Mobile
Emergency Communications Association back in the 60's. I would like to think
that this would make Valery a little famous. Some of us belonged to the club.
Most of us went to the annual breaks at the Oakland VFW building in Oakland NJ.
There were door prizes, people selling radio equipment, engravers (that's where
I got my "Shadow 7" ID plate), grand prizes, music, food, and more but I can't
think of it all at this time. The first time I went to the M.E.C.A break was in
'66 or '67. was where I met Val, Iris, Linus, & Elliot Ness. Recently, Linus was
kind enough to give me a picture of himself of what he looked like at that time.
Valerie won the grand prize but being that her father was president, he felt it
wouldn't be fair to have one of his family win so the grand prize went onto the
runner up.
I still remember G2 telling me that he went there by walking the tracks with
Michael Zinis (both from Little Falls). That was a distance. The breaks were
always successful. The place was always packed. I wish they were still going.
The Oakland VFW still has ham fests there now in the fall but it’s not like The
Good Old Days.
Member List
John Gruen KQD-5594 |
Father as President
of M.E.C.A. |
Valery Gruen |
Daughter |
Gruen |
Son |
Wayne Gruen |
Son |
Iris Cohen |
KBK-2848 |
Gary De Young |
"Shadow 7" KBZ-1381 |
Diane De Young |
"Squeaky" -
sister |
Louis Simpson |
“Mars Base” |
Dave Garfalo |
“Garfy” KCL-1637 |
Greg Randall |
“Phantom Base” |
Scott Larsen |
Richard Posner |
“Linus” KCL-1003 |
Tim Ver Voorn |
“Drifter” KDQ-3823 |

Oakland VFW where we had the
M.E.C.A breaks.

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